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Target 6.1. Ensuring Universal Access to Safe and Affordable Drinking Water by 2030

By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.

Project 1: Community Water Purification Systems

Community Water Purification Systems

Specific: Install community-based water purification systems in rural areas to ensure safe and affordable drinking water.

Measurable: Track the number of water purification systems installed and the population served.

Achievable: Collaborate with local governments and NGOs for resources and technical support.

Result Oriented: Provide access to clean drinking water, reducing waterborne diseases.

Time Bound: Complete installation in 50 villages within 2 years.

Impact Assessment: Monitor the proportion of the population using the systems through surveys and health records.

Project 2: Rainwater Harvesting Initiatives

Rainwater Harvesting Initiatives

Specific: Implement rainwater harvesting systems in urban and rural areas to supplement drinking water supply.

Measurable: Record the amount of rainwater harvested and the number of households benefitting.

Achievable: Utilize government incentives and community involvement for widespread adoption.

Result Oriented: Increase the availability of safe drinking water, especially during dry seasons.

Time Bound: Establish rainwater harvesting in 100 communities within 3 years.

Impact Assessment: Evaluate the increase in water availability and the reduction in reliance on unsafe water sources.

Project 3: Safe Water Education Campaigns

Safe Water Education Campaigns

Specific: Conduct educational campaigns on safe water practices and hygiene.

Measurable: Count the number of educational sessions held and participants reached.

Achievable: Partner with schools, community centers, and media outlets for outreach.

Result Oriented: Enhance community knowledge on safe water handling and usage.

Time Bound: Implement the campaign in targeted regions over 1 year.

Impact Assessment: Survey changes in community behavior and the proportion using safe drinking water practices.

Project 4: Upgrading Water Infrastructure

Upgrading Water Infrastructure

Specific: Upgrade existing water supply infrastructure to ensure safety and affordability.

Measurable: Assess the improvements in water quality and distribution efficiency.

Achievable: Secure funding from governmental and international bodies for infrastructure projects.

Result Oriented: Provide reliable access to safe drinking water through enhanced infrastructure.

Time Bound: Complete upgrades in 10 municipalities within 5 years.

Impact Assessment: Measure the impact on water safety and the population served through regular water quality tests and usage surveys.

Project 5: Mobile Water Testing Labs

Mobile Water Testing Labs

Specific: Deploy mobile water testing labs to regularly monitor water quality in remote areas.

Measurable: Track the number of water sources tested and quality reports generated.

Achievable: Equip and train mobile lab teams with necessary testing tools and resources.

Result Oriented: Ensure timely detection and response to water contamination.

Time Bound: Establish mobile labs and start operations within 1 year.

Impact Assessment: Monitor water quality improvements and the reduction in waterborne diseases through test results and health data.

Project 6: Subsidized Water Filtration Units

Subsidized Water Filtration Units

Specific: Provide subsidized water filtration units to low-income households.

Measurable: Count the distribution of filtration units and households using them.

Achievable: Partner with manufacturers and government schemes for subsidies.

Result Oriented: Increase access to safe drinking water among economically disadvantaged populations.

Time Bound: Distribute units to 10,000 households within 2 years.

Impact Assessment: Survey household water quality and usage to measure the improvement in access to safe water.

Project 7: Safe Water Accessibility for Schools

Safe Water Accessibility for Schools

Specific: Ensure all schools have access to safe and affordable drinking water.

Measurable: Track the number of schools equipped with safe water systems.

Achievable: Collaborate with educational authorities and NGOs for resources.

Result Oriented: Improve student health and attendance by providing safe drinking water.

Time Bound: Equip 500 schools within 3 years.

Impact Assessment: Assess the proportion of students with access to safe water and related health improvements.

Project 8: Local Water Governance Training

Local Water Governance Training

Specific: Train local governance bodies in managing and maintaining safe water systems.

Measurable: Count the number of training sessions and participants.

Achievable: Partner with training institutes and water management experts.

Result Oriented: Enhance local capacity to manage water resources sustainably.

Time Bound: Conduct training programs in 20 regions over 2 years.

Impact Assessment: Evaluate the effectiveness of local water management through governance performance reviews and water quality reports.

Project 9: Desalination Plants for Coastal Areas

Desalination Plants for Coastal Areas

Specific: Establish desalination plants in coastal areas to provide safe drinking water.

Measurable: Record the production and distribution of desalinated water.

Achievable: Secure investments and technical expertise for plant construction.

Result Oriented: Increase the availability of safe drinking water in coastal regions.

Time Bound: Build and operationalize 5 desalination plants within 4 years.

Impact Assessment: Monitor the population's access to desalinated water and the reduction in saltwater usage.

Project 10: Water Safety Advocacy Programs

Water Safety Advocacy Programs

Specific: Advocate for policies and regulations ensuring safe drinking water access.

Measurable: Track policy changes and implementation rates.

Achievable: Work with policymakers, civil society, and international organizations.

Result Oriented: Strengthen legal frameworks to guarantee universal access to safe drinking water.

Time Bound: Achieve significant policy advancements within 5 years.

Impact Assessment: Assess policy impacts on water safety and population access through legislative reviews and water service reports.

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