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Climb Foods: Empowering India’s Health One Meal at a Time

In a nation as vast and diverse as India, nutritional challenges have become a significant concern, particularly when it comes to protein intake. Despite being a crucial building block of life, protein consumption has been on a steady decline in India for over three decades. Alarmingly, 73% of Indians are protein-deficient, and more than half of the country’s children fall within this category. This growing nutritional gap has serious implications for the health and well-being of the population. Recognizing this, Climb Foods Private Limited, under its brand Gladful, has taken on the mission of revolutionizing protein consumption in India.

This impact story delves into the journey of Climb Foods, a startup incubated at AIC Banasthali, which focuses on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3—Good Health and Well-being. The startup has embarked on an ambitious journey to address India’s protein deficiency by offering protein-rich foods that seamlessly integrate into the daily diets of Indian families. Through innovation, dedication, and a commitment to societal well-being, Climb Foods is not just a business; it’s a movement towards better health for all.

The Protein Crisis in India: A Growing Concern

Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in the growth, repair, and maintenance of the human body. It is particularly vital for children, who require it for healthy development. Despite this, protein intake in India has been on a downward trajectory for decades. Cultural shifts, economic factors, and dietary habits have all contributed to this decline, leading to a situation where a significant portion of the population, especially children, are not getting the protein they need.

The consequences of protein deficiency are severe and far-reaching. Children who do not receive adequate protein may experience stunted growth, weakened immunity, and cognitive impairments. Adults, too, are at risk of various health issues, including muscle loss, weakened immune response, and overall poor health. This is where Climb Foods steps in, offering a solution that is both accessible and effective.

Climb Foods: A Vision for Healthier Families

Climb Foods was founded with a clear and compelling mission: to increase protein intake among Indian families, starting with the most important meals of the day—breakfast and lunch. The startup has developed a range of protein-rich foods, including biscuits, cookies, and breakfast items, that are designed to be both delicious and convenient for everyday consumption. By focusing on products that can easily be incorporated into daily diets, Climb Foods is making it simpler for families to address their protein needs without having to make drastic changes to their eating habits.

What sets Climb Foods apart is its commitment to quality and health. All of their products are free from Maida (refined flour), cholesterol, and trans-fats, making them not only protein-rich but also heart-healthy. The key sources of protein in their products include milk, rice, peas, and sprouted moong, all of which are natural and wholesome ingredients. This focus on natural, high-quality ingredients ensures that Climb Foods’ products are not just a source of protein but also contribute to overall well-being.

The Woman Behind the Mission: Parul Shukla

At the helm of Climb Foods is Parul Shukla, a result-oriented business leader with over 15 years of experience in FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) marketing and sales. Parul’s journey into the world of entrepreneurship was driven by her passion for health and nutrition, particularly for children and families. As a mother of two, Parul understands the challenges that parents face in ensuring their children receive the right nutrition, and this personal insight has been a driving force behind the creation of Gladful.

Parul’s expertise in the FMCG sector has been instrumental in building India’s first protein brand specifically targeted at kids and families. Her leadership has not gone unnoticed; she has been featured among the Top 25 Young Marketers in India by Brand Equity and listed as one of the Hot Young Entrepreneurs by BW in 2023. Parul is also recognized as a Diversity Champion, further highlighting her commitment to creating inclusive and impactful solutions.

Building India’s First Protein Brand for Kids and Families

Climb Foods, under the brand Gladful, is on a mission to become India’s leading protein brand for kids and families. The startup’s approach is grounded in the belief that good health begins with good nutrition, and that making small, consistent changes to one’s diet can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being.

Gladful’s product line is designed with the modern Indian family in mind. Understanding that convenience is key, especially for busy parents, Gladful offers products that can be easily incorporated into everyday meals. Their protein biscuits and cookies are perfect for snacks and lunch boxes, while their breakfast options ensure that families start their day with a nutritious meal.

The Power of Protein: Why It Matters

Protein is often referred to as the building block of life, and for good reason. It is essential for the growth and repair of tissues, the production of enzymes and hormones, and the maintenance of healthy bones, muscles, and skin. For children, protein is particularly important as it supports growth, cognitive development, and immune function. Unfortunately, in India, protein is often overlooked in favor of carbohydrates, leading to a diet that is imbalanced and lacking in essential nutrients.

Climb Foods is addressing this issue head-on by offering products that are not only high in protein but also easy to incorporate into the daily diets of Indian families. By making protein more accessible and affordable, Climb Foods is helping to close the nutritional gap and ensure that more people, especially children, receive the protein they need to thrive.

A Commitment to Quality and Health

One of the core values of Climb Foods is a commitment to quality. The startup takes great care in selecting the ingredients for its products, ensuring that they are not only rich in protein but also free from harmful additives. All of Gladful’s products are made without Maida, cholesterol, or trans-fats, making them a healthier choice for families.

The key sources of protein in Gladful’s products—milk, rice, peas, and sprouted moong—are all natural and nutrient-dense. These ingredients are carefully chosen for their high protein content and their ability to provide sustained energy throughout the day. By focusing on natural ingredients, Climb Foods ensures that its products are not only good for the body but also for the planet.

Recognitions and Achievements: A Testament to Impact

Climb Foods’ innovative approach to nutrition has not gone unnoticed. The startup has secured funding from prominent venture capital firms, including Antler, which recognizes the potential of Gladful to make a significant impact on the health and well-being of Indian families. These investments are a testament to the confidence that investors have in Climb Foods’ mission and the impact it can have on addressing India’s protein deficiency crisis.

In addition to securing funding, Climb Foods has also garnered recognition from industry leaders and media outlets. Parul Shukla’s leadership and vision have been widely recognized, and her inclusion in various prestigious lists underscores the importance of the work being done at Climb Foods.

Societal Relevance: Addressing a National Health Challenge

The societal relevance of Climb Foods’ work cannot be overstated. With 73% of Indians suffering from protein deficiency, the need for accessible, affordable, and nutritious protein sources is more urgent than ever. Climb Foods is addressing this need by offering products that are specifically designed to meet the dietary habits and preferences of Indian families.

By focusing on breakfast and lunch—the two most important meals of the day—Climb Foods is helping to ensure that families start their day with the nutrition they need to stay healthy and energized. This focus on everyday meals also makes it easier for families to adopt healthier eating habits without having to make drastic changes to their diets.

Moreover, Climb Foods’ commitment to using natural ingredients and avoiding harmful additives aligns with the broader movement towards healthier and more sustainable food choices. By providing products that are not only nutritious but also environmentally friendly, Climb Foods is contributing to a healthier planet as well as healthier people.

The Future of Climb Foods: Expanding Impact

Looking ahead, Climb Foods has ambitious plans to expand its product line and reach even more families across India. The startup is committed to continuing its mission of increasing protein intake among Indian families, and it is exploring new ways to make its products even more accessible and convenient.

One of the key areas of focus for Climb Foods is education. The startup recognizes that many people are still unaware of the importance of protein and the role it plays in maintaining good health. To address this, Climb Foods is working on initiatives to educate consumers about the benefits of protein and how they can incorporate more of it into their diets. Through educational campaigns, partnerships with schools, and community outreach, Climb Foods aims to raise awareness and promote healthier eating habits across the country.

Another area of focus for Climb Foods is innovation. The startup is constantly exploring new ingredients, formulations, and product formats to ensure that it continues to meet the evolving needs of its customers. By staying at the forefront of nutritional science and food technology, Climb Foods is committed to offering products that are not only healthy but also delicious and convenient.

A Movement Towards Better Health

Climb Foods is more than just a food company; it’s a movement towards better health for all. By addressing India’s protein deficiency crisis and offering accessible, affordable, and nutritious solutions, Climb Foods is helping to create a healthier and more resilient population.

The impact of Climb Foods’ work is already being felt by the thousands of families who have incorporated Gladful’s products into their daily diets. For these families, Climb Foods is not just a brand; it’s a trusted partner in their journey towards better health.

As Climb Foods continues to grow and expand its impact, it remains committed to its core mission of empowering Indian families with the nutrition they need to live

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